
Salvia splendens Cover Girl-

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹40.00.

*Winter Growing*

Extra Dwarf Variety Best For Bedding Landscape and Containers

Rich scarlet-red flowers along large dense spikes, uniform flowering

Excellent pack performance and uniform bushy habit in the field

Exposure : Sun – Partial shade

19 in stock



Extra Dwarf Variety Best For Bedding Landscape and Containers

Per Pack : 10 Seeds

Rich scarlet-red flowers along large dense spikes, uniform flowering

Excellent pack performance and uniform bushy habit in the field

The earliest variety

Height : 7 ″ / 18 cm

Exposure : Sun – Partial shade

Uses : Bedding, Pot Plant

Plant for bedding or border, summer pot plant


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Carnation Lilipot Mix – 10 Seeds

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹149.00.

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F1 Hybrid Sakata Imported Seeds.

This annual carnation is genetically dwarf, staying compact without pinching or plant growth regulators. Lillipot plants grow to a height of 8-10 inches and produce numerous branches, flowering continuously throughout the summer with fully double, true carnation flowers.


Lillipot is a versatile product that is ideal for pot sales and and for patio containers and summer borders.

Sowing Time:- September October November and January to February end.


Canna Salmon Pink Pack of One Bulb (Rhizome)

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Canna lilies are low maintenance and easy to grow, and both their flowers and foliage offer long lasting color in the garden.

Soil : prefers rich, loamy soil, but it can tolerate almost any kind of soil, from light and sandy to heavy and clay, as long as it is well-drained. Mix with well-rotted manure and compost before planting. This Canna is a heavy feeder, and will appreciate the extra nutrients. Replenishing the manure and compost throughout the growing season will encourage even more spectacular growth of this plant.

Planting Location :
Canna performs best in full sun, but can tolerate partial shade and some shelter. Plant this canna’s rhizomes 3 to 4 inches deep and 2 to 3 feet apart,

In a 10 or 12 inch Pot Plant one Rhizome.